
You can skin and/or theme your pages and components, as described in this blog entry and in the release notes.

References: CommonResources InjectionProvider, ComponentResourceSelector, ComponentRequestSelectorAnalyzer, Dynamic.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<!-- We need a doctype to allow us to use special characters like &nbsp; 
     We use a "strict" DTD to make IE follow the alignment rules. -->
<html xmlns:t="">
<body class="container">

    You can skin and/or theme your pages and components, as described in this 
    <a href="">blog entry</a> and in the  
    <a href="">release notes</a>.<br/><br/>
    <a href="">CommonResources InjectionProvider</a>, 
    <a href="">ComponentResourceSelector</a>, 
    <a href="">ComponentRequestSelectorAnalyzer</a>, 
    <a href="">Dynamic</a>.<br/><br/>
    <t:pagelink page="Index">Home</t:pagelink><br/><br/>

        <t:sourcecodetab src="/web/src/main/java/jumpstart/web/pages/examples/styling/SkinningTheming.tml"/>
        <t:sourcecodetab src="/web/src/main/java/jumpstart/web/pages/examples/styling/"/>
        <t:sourcecodetab src="/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/assets/css/examples/plain.css"/>

package jumpstart.web.pages.examples.styling;

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Import;

@Import(stylesheet = "css/examples/plain.css")
public class SkinningTheming {

.eg {
                margin: 20px 0;
                padding: 14px;
                border: 1px solid #ddd;
                border-radius: 6px;
                -webkit-border-radius: 6px;
                -mox-border-radius: 6px;