
These steps will quickly get JumpStart 3.14 to 3.20 open, running, and editable.

  1. Unzip. Unzip the downloaded file, which will give you a directory called jumpstart-3.14.0 or similar.
  2. Get JBoss Application Server.
    1. Go to JBoss Application Server Downloads, locate 4.2.3 GA and choose the Download link. Choose to download the
    2. Once downloaded, unzip it. Move it to a suitable location (eg. /devel/jboss-4.2.3.GA).
  3. Move JumpStart to your development projects location. Move jumpstart-3.14.0/ (or similar name) to your development area, eg. /devel/jumpstart-3.14.0/ . DO NOT choose a directory whose path contains any spaces, eg. do not use a directory whose path includes C:/Documents and Settings/.
  4. Open it in Eclipse. Open Eclipse and create a new Java Project over the jumpstart-3.14.0/ directory. The project can't build just yet so it will show errors.
  5. Ensure Eclipse is using Java 5.0. Right-click on the project and choose Properties then Java Compiler and ensure Compiler compliance level is 5.0. You may have to turn on Enable project specific settings.
  6. Run the get-dependent-files target in the project's build.xml file. You can do these steps in Eclipse...
    • If you haven't used Ant in Eclipse before, start by opening the Ant view and dragging build.xml onto it.
    • Open the file and modify the jboss.dir property. Use a relative path eg. ../jboss-4.2.3.GA .
    • If your internet connection is through a proxy then modify the setproxy tag in build.xml, eg.
        <setproxy proxyhost="" proxyport="8080"></setproxy>
      This may also be necessary in business/build.xml and web/build.xml.
    • Run the get-dependent-files target in the project's build.xml file. If it has problems due to the maven repository being slow or inaccessible, open the project's and choose a different maven.repo.root, then try running the target again.
    The result of this will be that fresh jars will be put into these directories:
    • business/src/main/lib-compile/
    • business/src/main/lib-provided/
    • business/src/main/lib-runtime/
    • business/src/test/lib-test/
    • web/src/main/lib-compile/
    • web/src/main/lib-provided/
  7. Refresh the project by right-clicking on the project in Eclipse and choosing Refresh. This should build the project successfully and show no errors. It will also run exploder.xml, which will build the exploded/ directory. You can see how has this been configured by displaying the project's properties and choosing Builders.
  8. Set exploded directory to derived by right-clicking on it in Eclipse, choosing Properties, and ticking the derived checkbox. Then click OK.
  9. Point JBoss at the project. Locate the server's conf/jboss-service.xml file eg. jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml. Edit it, replacing this:
      <attribute name="URLs">
    with something like this:
      <attribute name="URLs">
          deploy/, /devel/jumpstart-3.14.0/exploded/
    Be sure to include a slash after the word exploded, ie. exploded/ ; otherwise automatic reloading will not work!
  10. Enable live web class reloading Locate the server's deploy/jboss-web.deployer/context.xml eg. jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/context.xml. Edit it, replacing this:
      <Context cookies="true" crossContext="true">
    with this:
      <Context cookies="true" crossContext="true" reloadable="true">
  11. Ensure command line uses Java 5 JBoss 4.2.x is compatible with JDK 5 only.
    In Windows and Linux, ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to a JDK 1.5 directory. Note it must be a JDK, not a JRE.
    In OS X, ensure the result of java -version and javac -version is a variant of 1.5, eg. 1.5.0_13.
  12. Start JBoss Start the JBoss server from the command line by going to JBoss's bin/ directory and running 2 commands...
    In Windows:
    • set JAVA_OPTS=-Dtapestry.production-mode=false -Dtapestry.compress-whitespace=false
    • run.bat
    In tcsh (the default shell in OS X Terminal):
    • setenv JAVA_OPTS '-Dtapestry.production-mode=false -Dtapestry.compress-whitespace=false'
    On modern machines this will take about 10 seconds. On older machines it may take well over a minute.
  13. Check JumpStart is running by pointing your web browser at http://localhost:8080/jumpstart, but don't expect to be able to log in yet.
  14. Drop existing tables. If you have a previous version of JumpStart already on the computer, then do this step. Otherwise, you can skip to the next step.
    • Open the Hypersonic Database Manager. To do this, point your web browser at http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/, click on database=localDB,service=Hypersonic, find the section labelled void startDatabaseManager() and click on Invoke. In a few moments a Java GUI called HSQL Database Manager will start up.
    • In Eclipse, locate business/src/examples/data/drop_tables.sql in the project. Open it, then copy and paste its contents into the HSQL Database Manager and click on Execute SQL.
    • Stop JBoss Go to the window that is running JBoss and press Ctrl-C. Wait until JBoss has stopped.
    • Start JBoss Start the JBoss server again as you did in the Start JBoss step above. This creates all the database tables automatically.
  15. Load initial data:
    • Open the Hypersonic Database Manager. To do this, point your web browser at http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/, click on database=localDB,service=Hypersonic, find the section labelled void startDatabaseManager() and click on Invoke. In a few moments a Java GUI called HSQL Database Manager will start up.
    • In Eclipse, locate business/src/examples/data/initial_data.sql in the project. Open it, then copy and paste its contents into the HSQL Database Manager and click on Execute SQL.
  16. Confirm JumpStart is working by returning to http://localhost:8080/jumpstart and logging in with secofr for the Login ID and secofr for the Password.
  17. Finished! There are 2 other users: admin and john, with passwords admin and john, respectively.
  18. Try making a mod! As another quick test...
    • In Eclipse, locate the template of the front page - web/src/main/java/pages/Index.tml - and modify it a little.
      If you change the template or java of a page you'll see the change just a couple of seconds later in your running application.
      If you change a class in the business layer then you can make JBoss notice by running the Ant target called touch-exploded-ear in JumpStart's build.xml file. JBoss will automatically reload the app.
    • Remember - if the application isn't running then you can still immediately preview the mod by opening the html file with a web browser, or in Eclipse try Open With > Web Browser if that option is available. This is one of Tapestry's many strengths.
  19. Explore! Visit the Orientation, Tips, Troubleshooting and Bugs & Enhancements pages for more info.

©2006, 2007 Geoff Callender, Sydney, Australia