These notes apply to JumpStart 6.0.0 onwards.

Prepare GlassFish
Build and deploy JumpStart
Build and deploy and integration test JumpStart
Use JumpStart
How to run integration tests from Eclipse
How to debug the client side
How to debug the server side

Prepare GlassFish
These instructions prepare GlassFish with the following elements:

Web Server Business Server Persistence Database Server Logger
Tomcat GlassFish's EJB3 Hibernate Derby Log4j
(GlassFish's default) (GlassFish's default) (Added by us. We could use GlassFish's embedded TopLink except that JumpStart has a small dependency on Hibernate) (GlassFish's default) (Added by us)

Build and deploy JumpStart

Here we use Ant to clean, compile, unit test, package, deploy to the server, and wait for it to load.
The deployed package is jumpstart.ear.

Build and deploy and integration test JumpStart

Here we use Ant to clean, compile, unit test, package, deploy to the server, wait for it to load, and run the business integration test suite.
The deployed package is jumpstart.ear. The tests remotely call the JumpStart business layer services exposed by the server.

Use JumpStart

Ensure the command line is using Java 1.6: the commands java -version and javac -version must return a variant of 1.6, eg. 1.6.0_13.

If GlassFish is not running, start it (as above).

Before you use JumpStart for the first time in a new server, you need to build it, deploy it, and run an integration test.

Then, while the database (Derby) is running, populate it:

Now you can visit JumpStart with your web browser at http://yourserver:8080/jumpstart.

How to run integration tests from Eclipse

First, build and deploy JumpStart as described above.

Second, create a User Library over GlassFish:


©2008, 2018 Geoff Callender, Sydney, Australia